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Our software is freely available to users working in academic non-profit organizations (including universities, government entities and academic institutions) whom are using the software for research or educational purposes. For use of our software in a commercial environment please email:

To download our software you must register. Please see the user registration form at the bottom of this page. By providing the requested information you will be given access to the software download URL. We ask for this data to keep statistics on the distribution and use of our software. We will also contact you when new versions of our sotware are available.


The Bellerophon server

Bellerophon is a computer program for detecting chimeric sequences in multiple sequence datasets by an adaption of partial treeing analysis. Bellerophon was specifically developed to detect 16S rRNA gene chimeras in PCR-clone libraries of environmental samples but can be applied to other nucleotide sequence alignments.

A detailed description of the software can be found in this publication:

Huber T, Faulkner G, Hugenholtz P. (2004). Bellerophon: a program to detect chimeric sequences in multiple sequence alignments. Bioinformatics. 20(14) 2317-9.


The PyParaTools project

PyParaTools is a Python based software package for analysing Pseudocontact Shift, Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement and Residual Dipolar Coupling data. Such data is readily acquired from paramagnetic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments and provides rich, long-range, distance and, or, orientational structural restraints.

The major components of the PyParaTools package are data parsers, paramagnetic effect calcers, parameter optimizers, and analysis methods to aid investigation of data and results


The Numbat page

Numbat is a user friendly software that fits Δχ-tensor to a set of PCS measurements and a structure from a PDB file. It has also been designed to assist in the semi automatic process of PCS assignment.

A detailed description of the software can be found in this publication:

Schmitz, C., Stanton-Cook, M.J, Su, X.C., Otting, G. & Huber, T. (2008). Numbat: an interactive software tool for fitting Δχ-tensors to molecular coordinates using pseudocontact shifts. J Biomol NMR 41, 179-189.


The Echidna page

Echidna: Efficient chi-tensor determination and NH assignment of paramagnetic proteins

The program Echidna has been designed to automatically fit the chi-tensor and assign fully labelled resonances of a 15N-HSQC spectrum in presence of a paramagnetic lanthanide, given a crystal structure and diamagnetic spectrum already assigned.

More details can be found in this publication:

Schmitz, C., John, M., Park, A. Y., Dixon, N. E., Otting, G., Pintacuda, G. & Huber, T. (2006). Efficient chi-tensor determination and NH assignment of paramagnetic proteins. J Biomol NMR 35, 79-87.


The Possum page

Possum: paramagnetically orchestrated spectral solver of unassigned methyls

The program Possum has been designed to automatically assign chemical shift resonances of methyl groups.

More details can be found in this publication:

John, M., Schmitz, C., Park, A. Y., Dixon, N. E., Huber, T. & Otting, G. (2007). Sequence- and stereospecific assignment of methyl groups using paramagnetic lanthanides. J Am Chem Soc 129(44), 13749-13757.

User registration form

To download our software you must register. By providing the requested information you will be given access to the software download URL.

Register to download our software
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Once you have confirmed your email address, you will be sent the link containing the download URL.